Empathy and Healthy Relationships

Pre K- Grade 2

Kids Free to Grow utilizes books, video, songs, and activities to help children develop empathic skills and practices. Group activities are facilitated to help students increase accountability in personal and social interactions.

Personal Body Safety

Pre K – Grade 4

Kids Free to Grow offers age appropriate educational

opportunities to help young children understand personal safety. Our Prevention Educator utilizes the “Talk about Touching” and “Joey Learns the Touching Rule” curriculum along with books and short video clips from “Playground Pals” to teach students safety planning.

Healthy Relationships Project

Pre K – Grade 8

This program offers a healthy sexuality education and child abuse prevention curriculum for children in Pre K to 8th grade. These programs for school communities train staff, parents, and teachers to provide health-based, developmentally targeted information for children and youth.

Break The Silence

Grades 5 – 6

A short documentary in which kids speak out about abuse by telling their own stories.  This is designed to empower students to get help for themselves or a friend in need. Students take part in a facilitated group activity.

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